Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Lower cast discourse (Bashala sutta)

This discourse given by Lord Buddha, describes that a lower cast is not determined by his birth, rather by his deeds.
Thus have I heard- once Lord Buddha was living in the Jetabana Monastery built by Anathapindica. In the morning, Lord entered into the Sabatti city for collecting food. There at the house of Varadas, the fire worshipper, fire was made, and necessary stuffs were gathered for sacrifice.

Lord gradually collecting food from door to door, came to the house of the fire worshipper Varadas. Varadas saw the Lord from a distance and shouted- ‘Hey, shaved head, stay there(Lord Buddha was shaved head)! Hey you of lower cast, stand there!’

Then Lord asked the fire worshipper Varadas- ‘Brahmin, do you know the acts of lower casts?’
Vardas said- ‘No, Goutama (Goutama is the name of Lord. He is known as Goutama Buddha). I don’t know the acts of lower casts. Tell me so that I could know the acts with which a person becomes of lower casts.’

‘Brahmin, then listen. Give a good attention to what I am saying.’- Lord said.
‘Yes, Venerable.’- admitted Varadas Brahmin.

Lord said-
‘Who is wrathful, jealous, doing illegal works, ungrateful, possessing a wrong view, non believer in after life, non believer in the results of giving as well as deceitful, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who is cruel to animals, birds and all other living beings, who has no love for creatures, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who destroys villages and cities, robs them, sieges them, he is known as a torturer and you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who steals the properties and stuffs from village or forests, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who borrows money and not willing to pay debt, he flees away and while he is looked for debt, he denies everything and says- I don’t owe anything to you, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who robs even little things from passerby by killing them, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who when asked, perjures for the sake of himself, or oneself or for money, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who shows a sudden affection to the wives of the relatives and friends with a view to establish an illegal relationship, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Despite having a lot of wealth, who doesn’t take care of his old parents, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who kills his parents, siblings and father-in-law and speaks badly, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who when asked for advice, gives a bad advice, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who commits illegal tasks and with a thought- May nobody know me, he presents an innocent face, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who consumes delicious foods in other’s house and doesn’t serve the same when they come to his house, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who deceives Brahmins, Sramanas (monks) or other beggars with lies, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who abuses the beggars if they come during his lunch time and never gives foods to them, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who represents himself possessing super powers (although he has nothing) with a view to get name and fame, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who admires himself, abuses others and boasts his pride, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who is furious, forbidding the giving, illegal doer, non-giver, cheater, shameless and fearless, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who abuses Buddha or His disciples, His preachers and His lay-persons, you will know him as a lower cast.’
‘Who claims himself as an Arahata ( a salvaged one) although he is not, in this world and in heaven, he is known as a thief. He is counted in the lowest cast.’
‘These people are known of lower casts. O Brahmin! These acts of lower casts are described briefly by Me, now you certainly know who is called of a lower cast.’
‘None becomes a lower cast by birth, none becomes a Brahmin (a higher cast) by birth too. By his deeds, he becomes a lower cast or a Brahmin.’
‘Brahmin, know the causes of such lower casts. As I am giving you an example:- a son of lower cast named Sopak, became famously known as Matanga. ’
‘He achieved great name and fame. Many Brahmins and other upper cast people came to him for his attendance.’
‘This Matanga destroyed his sexual desires and relieved from it. Thus he rode on a heavenly transport and arrived in the Brahma world. (The higher world of heaven. These brahmas were meditators. In fact if a meditator receives at least first level of meditation, then he will be destined to this Brahma world after this human life unless other misdeeds are done. These brahmas are powerful through meditation and they are seen by the deities or humans only if they wish to be seen.)’
‘That Matanga was born in a lower cast, but nobody could resist him to be born to Brahma world.’
‘Bramins of higher casts, who are diligently chanting mantras, are seen to be engaged in misdeeds (like sacrificing animals or indecent deeds) constantly. They have been blamed in this world and suffered afterworld too. Although they were born in Brahmin caste, their blames and sufferings in afterworld couldn’t resist by anyone. That is why you know, nobody becomes a lower cast or Brahmin by birth. By his deeds, one becomes of a lower cast or a Brahmin.’

Having thus spoken by Lord Buddha, then Varadas said- O Goutama! Very beautifully you have told the dhamma (the rules). For example- O Goutama! Someone turns up the bowl which was turned down, uncovers the covered things, shows the right way to a misled passerby, holds a light in the dark so that a person who is able to see, can be able to see things in the dark- Like this, the dhamma has been described in various ways by Noble Goutama. From today till to the last moment of my life, I am taking refuge of Lord, taking refuge of His Dhamma, taking refuge of His disciples. May Goutama accept me as a lay follower of Him.’

This discourse certainly shows that Buddha was a non believer in cast. He rather profoundly claimed His Dhamma on the basis of karma.

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